
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Batch Totals

The Batch Totals report facilitates the control of savings manual ledger cards by comparing their totals with the Loan Performer savings ledger card totals.

Loan Performer will display totals of the accounts in batches of 100 accounts each for the Individual, Groups and Businesses. Therefore, if you have 600 clients with 200 for each Individual, Group and Business accounts then you will get only two batches each with 300 client accounts.

How to view Batch Totals

To view batch totals you go to Savings->Savings Reports->Batch Totals and a screen will appear looking as follows:

Click on the Ok button and the following information bar appears showing the total amount in the batch, e.g., "70,980,800.01":

Click again on the Ok button and the following window will be displayed:

Specify the parameters you wish to use or leave the default settings and click on the Ok button to display the accounts comprising the batch totals as follows:

Note that the transaction totals displayed are for transactions done before or on the specified reporting date. When you specify a batch date Loan Performer will display the batch total balances for that day. This balance can be compared with the manual ledger cards balance to determine whether there any inconsistencies.

Click on the Close button to exit.

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